There are a number of natural brain protectors out there, but did you know that Turmeric has shown more promise when it comes to supporting your neurological system than any other medical finding to date? It’s a scientific fact that Curcumin, an antioxidant compound found in the root of the Turmeric plant, is one of the most powerful natural brain protecting substances on the planet! It continues to amaze scientists with its remarkable cognitive health benefits. You probably know turmeric as the main spice in curry. It has a warm, bitter taste and is frequently used to flavor or color curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses. But the root of turmeric is also used widely to make medicine.
Turmeric is used for arthritis, heartburn (dyspepsia), stomach pain, diarrhea, intestinal gas, stomach bloating, loss of appetite, jaundice, liver problems and gallbladder disorders. It is also used for headaches, bronchitis, colds, lung infections, fibromyalgia, leprosy, fever, menstrual problems, and cancer. Other uses include depression, Alzheimer’s disease, water retention, worms, and kidney problems. Some people apply turmeric to the skin for pain, ringworm, bruising, leech bites, eye infections, inflammatory skin conditions, soreness inside of the mouth, and infected wounds.
There are so many general health benefits that Turmeric is known for, including but not limited to:
- Can Protect the brain and cognitive function
- May Improve mental clarity and memory retention
- Can help with Better mood balance and more energy
- Can maintain a healthier heart and more balanced cholesterol
- May have fewer aches and pains and less stiffness
- Can help you have smoother, more youthful-looking skin
- Can help support for liver health and detoxification
- May increase Antioxidant protection against free radicals
- May have an overall increased sense of vitality
This proprietary combination of anti-inflammatory plant based ingredient has been chosen to significantly reduce free radicals and toxins which cause inflammation. Research has shown that all diseases, including weight problems, are caused by cellular inflammation because the body simply cannot function properly when inflamed.